Black Widow Spider Brown Recluse Spider
Cellar Spider Crab Spider
Domestic House Spider Funnelweb Spider
Garden Spider Ground Spider
Hobo Spider House Spider
Jumping Spider Spiny-backed Orb Weaver Spider
Tarantula Wolf Spider
Yellow Sac Spider  

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Black Widow Spider Latrodectus mactans


Body may be up to 3/4-inch in length with the abdomen reaching 3/8-inch in diameter.


Typically glossy black but may also be dark brown to light brown. Related widow spiders may be brown.


The black widow spider is widely feared because its bite results in severe pain that may take several days to subside. Such bites are rarely fatal but small children and elderly persons are at risk. Black widow spiders construct irregular, scaffold-type webs usually near the ground level. These webs are almost always constructed in a protected site such as among items piled together, beneath boards, in firewood, and between boxes. Newly hatched spiderlings climb to high points, release a strand of webbing and are propelled by "ballooning" to new locations. For this reason, buildings may have new spiderlings float to it on a regular basis. Most of these do not survive. Black widows eat any insect they can capture. It is not true that the female always consumes her mate after mating, but it does frequently occur. Black widows are classified as dangerous spiders because their bite can cause severe cramping and pain throughout the body. Very young children, the elderly, and very ill persons are most at risk for severe reactions to the bite of this spider.