Acrobat Ant Allegheny Mound Ant
Argentine Ant Big-headed Ant
Carpenter Ant Citronella Ant
Crazy Ant Field Ant
Fire Ant Ghost Ant
Harvester Ant Little Black Ant
Moisture Ant Odorous House Ant
Pavement Ant Pharaoh Ant
Texas Leaf Cutter Ant Thief Ant
Velvety Tree Ant White-footed Ant

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Acrobat Ant Crematogaster spp.


Ranges from 1/8-inch to more than 1/4-inch in length. The most commonly encountered species are found at the smaller end of this size scale.


Ranges from black to dark brown to red and black. The smaller species are typically uniformly dark in color. A larger species, common in Texas, is red and black.


When excited or disturbed, the acrobat ant workers run about with their abdomens held high above their heads. Like most ants, acrobat ants establish well-defined trails between the nest and food and water sources. They feed on a wide variety of foods, but the workers are partial to the sweet honeydew produced by aphids, scales and mealybugs found feeding on many trees and plants. Fruit trees, roses and many shrubs serve as hosts for aphids and may contribute to ant infestations in buildings. Most infestations inside are the result of workers searching for food.