

How effective are bait traps for controlling cockroaches?

Bait stations may be effective in controlling cockroaches if placed properly. Baits, however, rely on every cockroach in a population to feed on the bait before the infestation can be eliminated. Bait stations should be combined with other control efforts such as crack and void treatments to ensure the infestation is eliminated. Knowing where to apply each product effectively is where the experience of a Terminix professional is helpful. In addition, your Terminix professional will also look for any conditions that might contribute to cockroach infestations and make recommendations for correcting such conditions.

Is it possible to get rid of cockroaches and keep them from coming back?

Cockroaches can be eliminated from a home, but reinfestation can occur depending on the particular species involved and where the home is situated. Outdoor cockroaches, like the large smoky browns in the Southeast or Oriental cockroaches in the Northeast and Midwest, may continually try to enter a home from the outside. Regular exterior service in addition to sealing outside cracks and holes in walls can help limit such invasions to a negligible level.


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